Thursday 17 March 2011

The Conspiratorial Nature of Mother.....If you know what I mean!

10 days ago, myself and Lesley were all set and planned to walk from my gaff in Dundee to my folks house over the Sidlaw hills to stay the night then walk back the following day. We were "right excited" about the whole thing. Maps at the ready, boots at the ready, mum's stovies at the ready and it all went pear shaped! And I don't mean because of the snow!
Now I am not sure if it was the fact that I was at an EIS meeting and appeared to be digesting nothing but bad news and bitter pills to swallow but the night ended in me legging it out of the Glamis Room in the Queens Hotel in the direction of the nearest loo! Talk about a sudden visitation! There began a visitation every hour on the hour for the next 12 hours! Needless to say the planned adventure over the Sidlaws never transpired- nor did the birthday tea! In fact my birthday was spent in bed feeling very sorry for myself.
I will miss out the joys of the rest of the week but here we are now at Thursday night, still off school, and I have a feeling it will be another weekend of doing very little- may manage a wee stroll by Sunday!
So all things considered, Mother Nature was truly working against us; snow and gastric flu are not conducive to walking over the Sidlaws!!


  1. Wonderfully illuminating insight into the world of your bowel movements if I may say so.!

    All the best with your WHW walk.Will be keeping an eye on your progress :)


  2. Ha ha ha!! I think you will find this week's walk enlightening in an outdoors way!!

    Thanks for the wishes on our walk- can't wait!!

