Wednesday 6 April 2011

Day four: Inverarnan to Tyndrum

After we had unfolded ourselves from our "mattresses" on the floor at Beinglas wigwams we hobbled our way for a fab full cooked breakfast! Perfect way to start the day!

The first part of the walk, although slow going due to the aches of Japanese water torture was relatively easy along old drove roads passing stunning waterfalls en route.

After crossing the main A82 we were met with a fairly steep climb and the start if the military roads which we thought would be fabulous! How wrong were we? I've no doubt in the height of summer with no rain it is marvelous- however after two days of near torrential rain we were ankle deep in cow jobbies! Parts of the path were also tough as they were flowing like rivers!

After what seemed like an eternity we were at the end (of jobby path) - literally and metaphorically speaking! However after a seat and a snickers bar all was good in the world. Off we set on a woodland path which was carpeted with the most beautiful red pine needles! This section continued on up and down the mountainside for hours- enjoyable as it was we were pleased to see the road ahead!

The latter stage of around three miles was very pleasant indeed; old road, woodland path and gentle climbs into Tyndrum. At this point I spotted my mum and dad waving from their caravan and spontaneously burst into tears! After a coffee and choccy biccy we all meandered to By The Way where we almost started to hyper ventilate at the site of a proper bed!
After loading our wet garb into the splendid drying room we all went out for tea to Paddy's- at which point we were greeted with many known faces aglow with the days adventures asking how we were getting on etc- the camaraderie really is excellent!

Another tiring yet exhilarating day rounded off with a nightcap in mum and dad's caravan!

Big day tomorrow - 19miles!! Night night!

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