Sunday 3 April 2011

Day Two: Drymen to Rowardennan

Well here we are relaxing with the Scotland on Sunday having reached the youth hostel at Rowardennan - how glad were we to see it!?
The day started early with Lesley regailing me with a story if her seeing a skeleton last night once I was asleep. My instant thought was that the couple of pints we partook of had had a greater effect on her than I realised! She did however explain the it had been someone moving about outside with fluorescent stripes on their sleeves and the light from her head torch had caught the stripes!!
We set off to Drymen armed with a ham piece in search of coffee- the post office had the required beverage- along with Scooby snacks for the journey!
We took the low road and spotted those who took the high road over Conic hill! Not on your Nelly - we were happy to be in Scotland at anytime!! (for those who know the song!!)
Now I have often heard it said that today's stretch is the most boring. If that is the case bring it on! The section outside Balmaha rises very steeply and is quite off putting as it felt as if we were doubling back on ourselves - however the scene from the top was absolutely breath taking! That is something we both love about walking; seeing what we have seen on numerous occasions but from a totally different perspective.
The descent took us down to the shores of Loch Lomond which we followed most of the way to Rowardenan, however this is not to say it was easy! Some parts were particularly arduous up rocky outcrops through ancient woodland, all the while the sun appeared from behind the clouds with a sporadic spot of rain!
By the time we reached the pub at Rowardennan we were starting to flag a bit however a couple of pints renewed our legs and feet enough to get us to the hostel!
A very welcome hot shower, noodles and cereal bar ended what has been yet another brilliant day! However we are so accustomed to our own company that the folk in the dining room were irritating the hell out of us- how dare they be loud and exuberant?!!! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering what the weather and temperatures are like? And what balance between cold/wet and warm/sunny (hold on, this is Scotland) clothing you would recommend so far.
