Friday 8 April 2011

Day six: Kingshouse to Kinlochleven

No rain today!! Such a novelty! Ok, a few drizzle spells but that is nothing compared to yesterday!
We were met at Kingshouse by a few known faces who were so pleased to see us as Keith and Mark had been worried about us as they hadn't seen us in the rain yesterday! They had seemingly been asking the folks in the pub last night if they had seen us- bless! Again the camaraderie is brilliant! We did also see a herd of deer who had come down from the hills to munch on campers scraps!
The scenery up Glencoe really is stunning! The path follows the line os the A82 and is dominated by the omnipresent Buchaille Etive Mor- the colours of it changed continuously as the weather frequently changed.
After what seemed like hardly any time we began our ascent of the Devil's Staircase- with some trepidation I hasten to add! However it was nowhere near as bad as I anticipated! In fact we both agreed that climbing Ben Lomond was more taxing! The views as we rose were truly breathtaking!! The summit called for the obligatory photos beside the cairn (photos to be added when I get home!!).
And so began our descent along the at times very uneven military path. After an hour or so we saw Kinlochleven nestling in the valley far below where we stood- almost like a village in the alps and the snow dotted peaks were resplendent in the sun. Yet another false sense or security- we spent the next two hours descending into the village without apparently getting any closer! Not to mention the fact the the downhill was killing my knees and almost finished off Lesley's feet completely!
We arrived at our destination in good time and checked into our micro lodge- kettle, microwave, fridge, tv and beds in it!! Such luxury!
We are now tucked up in bed having been to The Tailrace pub for drinks and dinner. Tonight we shared a table with Bruce and Claire from Aberdeen who upon hearing we were doing the walk for charity gave us a donation! Bless them!
Thanks guys, we really appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    Glad you were warm and snug in the Hobbit Houses.
    Where's the pics then???

    Steve Millar, Microlodge designer.
