The day started badly- opening the curtains to the horizontal wet stuff does not bode well for a day of walking! The next irritation before setting off was a group of ladies who had kept me awake the night before with their racket were hell bent on continuing it this morning! They were clearly teachers- now whilst this is my chosen profession I would like to think that I am not instantly recognizable as a teacher- for a start my beads didn't match my walking outfit!! We very quickly had our fill- both of them and breakfast and made tracks.

Suddenly we found we were at Inversnaid- 7 miles in the bag- easy stuff! We had lunch at the hotel- what a joy to have food at a good price! Soup and roll £1.25 and main courses £5! Most places we have found have hugely inflated prices as us walkers are a captive audience!

Very shortly after this the ecstasy turned to agony as we rapidly fell out of live with this adventure of climbing up and down crags and cliffs! When we eventually reached the end of The Loch and the end of The torture. Upon checking the map we appeared to be only half way to our destination! For the next 2.5 hours we kept expecting to see the camp site! Hell on earth!
When the guide book says challenging- believe it and then some!!
You are doing really well girls. Well done! You must be about half way through your torture, sorry, adventure, by now. The sun is shining in bonnie Dundee at the moment. Hope the west coast has had plenty of sun for you today. (Tuesday). It won't be long until you are on the home run. (or should that be walk/hobble/crawl?) Good luck for the rest of the week.